Welcome to Dragonscale Clippings

Inside the mind of a writer...

My motto for 2012: Quality, not quantity

I am currently exploring the sensation of Sound...

Thursday 1 March 2012

Clippings # 4 March 2012 Now available!

Unintentionally, this issue is a tribute to small stoners! Everyone, except the photographer is a small stoner and has participated in A River Stones this year. 

My intention was to put together an issue that had within it all five elements. There is a poem from Claudia Messelodi about herbs that the earth produces. There is a poem about wind from Libby and a poem from JulesPaige with water in it. Els Stoker's picture has fiery coloured tulips as well as containing all the elements within it. 

There is also a sneak preview from book one of my series, The Kaerling, that contains all the elements too. So I suppose it was only a matter of time before I realised that small stoners would become the fifth element within Clippings. 

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1 comment:

  1. Many thanks for publishing my little poem. I have saved the issue to read at my leisure!
